Prepared for the 5G revolution, Stay current, 5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design

5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design

Prepared for the 5G revolution, Stay current, 5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design

5G broadband began to be promoted throughout the United States, it not only brought users a faster Internet, but also brought a new technical architecture designed to further support 5G networks.

As operators around the world are looking for solutions to cope with the growing demand for mobile data, it is necessary to develop 5G technology.

One of those architectures is named device-to-device (D2D) communications, which refers to the communication between devices, which may be cellphones or vehicles. this system opens new device-centric communication that always requires no direct communication with the network infrastructure.

This is good because D2D architecture is predicted to unravel a minimum of a part of the network capacity issue as 5G promises more devices to be connected in faster, more reliable networks.

To understand the new 5G technology, the important point is that it does not only involve faster smartphones. In fact, technologists now call 5G the post-smartphone era.

Higher speeds and lower latency will enable new experiences that require continuous communication between augmented reality and virtual reality, connected cars, smart homes, and machines without lag.

The demand for these new technologies is attributed to the various different profiles of data services that 5G networks need to support.

In the past, the design of mobile networks has always placed ordinary smartphone users at the center, but with the advent of 5G, this change has changed, because the booming data connection has created various use cases with completely different data requirements. And network operators need to meet all these requirements. As effective as possible.

With this in mind, 3GPP (standards organization) retains the basic idea of ​​having a flat architecture in which the control plane (CP) function is separated from the user plane (UP) so that they can be scaled independently, allowing operators to use the functions Division, can easily determine the network size, deployment and adjustment.

The air interface is the radio frequency part of the circuit between the mobile device and the active base station. The active base station can change as the user moves, and each transition is called a handover.

5G is usually called “evolutionary.” 5G is evolutionary as both its new radios and therefore the core network functions are defined as a progression from 4G. Like 4G before it, in most markets 5G has unrolled in steps with the goal of standalone (SA) status (independent of 4G technology).

5G is additionally spectrum dependent. within the end of the day this suggests new spectrum allocations. While carriers build out their 5G only infrastructures, the 5G era has begun using old spectrum assignments.

When people call 5G transformative, that's not true. 5G itself is not transformative. What is transformative is the applications that will use the web. The United States is not the first country to deploy any "G" wireless networks, but due to the innovative technologies developed by American entrepreneurs for these networks, wireless networks still dominate

If you have heard that 5G brings network security risks, you are very correct. 5G is a network security risk because the network is software-based. The reliance of early networks on centralized hardware-based functions provided a bottleneck for enhanced security. Distributed software-based systems are themselves more vulnerable to attacks.

Tonex provided 5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design

Tonex training introduced 5G technology, architecture and protocols. Also discussed 5G air interface and core network technologies and solutions. The course includes investigations of traffic cases and solutions, deployments and products. Covers 3GPP and IMT-2020 methods.

Learning Targets:
  • Explain the key 5G Principles, Services and Technical aspects
  • Explain the aim of implementing 5G within the existing mobile ecosystem
  • Describe a number of the 5G Use Cases and Applications: 3GPP and ITU 5G Use Cases (eMBB, URLLC and mMTC)
  • List 5G Network Features including: functions, nodes and elements, interfaces, reference points, basic operational procedures and architectural choices
  • Describe the overall 5G specification
  • Compare and contrast 5G system with traditional LTE, LTE-A and LTE-A Pro systems (3GPP version)
  • List and explain 5G RAN and core network architecture
  • Explain 5G access
  • Describe the 5G system engineering (access network, 5G core) method
  • Describe the use of NFV/SDN and network slicing in 5G systems
  • Learn about 5G radio access networks including 5G New Radio (NR)

  • Engineers
  • Managers
  • Marketing and operation personnel
  • Anyone who want to learn 5G systems including 5G Radio Access Network (RAN), 5G New Radio (NR), 5G core and integration with LTE/LTE-A and LTE-A Pro

Course Outline:
  • Introduction to 5G Mobile Communication
  • Key Principles of 5G Systems
  • 5G System Architecture
  • 3GPP 5G System Architecture
  • 5G New Radio (NR)

For More Information:

5G Network Architecture, Planning and Design


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