Conflict Management Training - Learn The Causes of Conflict

Conflict Management Training - Learn The Causes of Conflict
Conflict Management Training - Learn The Causes of Conflict

A workforce full of conflicts may be under extreme pressure, and high levels of pressure can cause conflicts. Both need to be managed to make the workplace function effectively.

Conflicts rarely resolve on their own-in fact, conflicts usually escalate if they are not proactively handled appropriately. This is why leaders need to make plans to deal with inevitable conflicts.

The fact is that leadership and conflict go hand in hand. Leadership is a full-contact sport, and if you cannot or will not resolve conflicts in a healthy and productive way, you should not assume a leadership role.

There are two views on conflict. The traditional view is that conflict is bad and should not be encouraged at all. However, a more modern view believes that conflicts may be constructive or well-intentioned, and different ways of thinking should be encouraged to solve problems with multiple ideas and solutions.

Many people believe that in order to effectively manage conflict, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere that enables people to think originally and encourages them to make suggestions and opinions without fear. In this way of thinking, members are encouraged to resolve their conflicts with an open and collaborative attitude.

Conflict management is a practice that can identify and handle conflicts wisely, fairly and effectively.

At present, conflict management has been recognized as a key skill for successfully managing employees, especially considering the competitive nature of employees competing for recognition in typical business structures.

This conflict management methodology believes that while resolving conflicts, employees need to transcend personal emotions and focus on the ultimate goal of the project or existing work. The manager only intervenes to resolve the conflict when the relevant team member cannot resolve it on his own.

Effects of Good Conflict Management Skills:
  • Improved Relationships
  • Increased Productivity
  • Improved Communication
  • Decrease Turnover
  • Reduce Absenteeism
  • Increase Employee Engagement

The purpose of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in the organizational environment.

Ineffective conflict management makes companies suffer money, inhibits action and hinders innovation.

Unsettled conflicts consume the energy of the organization and reduce profits. Whether you are a team leader, a manager or a member of an organizational leadership team, the ability to constructively handle difficult situations is critical to the success of a business.

Dipping conflicts in the workplace can increase employee productivity, increase employee motivation and loyalty, and reduce stress and absenteeism.

Poor communication between employees and customers can be harmful. If distressed customers feel that they are not being heard by others, they will quickly become confused and angry.

It is essential to write down "internal rules" for customers, and the interpretation of these rules must not be any different.

Conflict can solve the problem. It's no secret that brilliant ideas usually stem from healthy discussions involving various viewpoints.

This is why leaders must ensure that everyone can express their opinions in order to generate more ideas. Differences of opinion can be an opportunity to hone and improve ideas into viable solutions.

Managers and supervisors should consider key elements in conflict resolution, such as:
  • Deal with the impact, not the intentions
  • Try not to blame individuals
  • Repeat, rephrase and reflect

Conflict Management Training Course by Tonex

Conflict Management Training - Learn The Causes of Conflict
Conflict Management Training is a workshop style training program where participants learn the causes of conflict and how to prevent issues before they escalate.

Conflict management training produces key life skills that can be used in and outside the workplace.

In addition, participating in conflict is an important leadership skill, and employees seeking training and experience in this area may have better opportunities for promotion within the organization.

Participants will also learn about stress management techniques and how to become more aware of conflict and its impact on the workplace.

In turn, this can help employees focus on productivity, thereby improving interpersonal and communication skills in the office.

Learning Objectives:
  • Classify types of conflict and their causes.
  • Talk about and implement the conflict resolution process.
  • Recognize conflicts and how to prevent an issue before it escalates.
  • Expand communications skills and techniques.
  • Apply stress management techniques.

Training Outline:
  • Overview of Conflict Management
  • Consequences of Conflict
  • Positive Results for the Group, Negative Results
  • Conflict Outcomes
  • Emotions in Conflicts
  • Principles of Conflict Resolution
  • Conflict Resolution Process
  • Conflict Reduction
  • Negotiation
  • Workshop

Learn More:

Conflict Management Training


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