Link-16 Training, Link-16 Operational Overview

Link-16 Training, Link-16 Operational Overview
Link-16 Training, Link-16 Operational Overview

Link 16 is an encrypted, jam-resistant Tactical Data Link (TDL) network employed by U.S. and NATO Allies to make situational awareness among dispersed battle elements by sharing information over a standard communication link.

This allows the command and control center to create a Common Combat Picture (COP), which allows friendly forces to electronically observe the battlefield, identify threats and acquire targets.

Link 16 also uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) to supply multiple, simultaneous communication paths through different nets. In today’s military, Link 16 is that the standard by which other systems are measured for secure, airborne situational awareness.

Through Link 16, military aircraft, ships and ground forces can exchange tactical images in near real-time.

The main application of Link 16 is as a command and control system for air defense and missile defense. Various countries/regions are using this network for national air defense, connecting their land and sea ships, land-based sensors and surface-to-air missile systems. This can help them protect the airspace by identifying threats and eliminating them.

Compared with other communication link waveforms, the advantages of Link 16 include:
  • Better security
  • Improved data throughput
  • Better situational awareness
  • Better jam resistance
  • Amplified capacity of information exchanged

Now, the Link 16 app is entering space. The LEO spacecraft with Link 16 function aims to further enhance the situational awareness of combatants through the use of satellite constellations, in order to provide greater access to Link 16 functions in controversial or crowded environments, and to expand the network range.

Link 16 has very powerful functions, such as:
  • Allows real-time transmission of battle data, voice communication, images and relative navigation information between dispersed battle elements
  • Facilitate data exchange through public communication links
  • Facilitate the exchange of sensor information so that the command and control center can create COPs
  • Able to disseminate information from the command and control center and combat personnel

Link 16 Operational Overview Training by Tonex

Tonex is an internationally recognized training company that provides customized Link 16 training solutions for the Ministry of Defense, NATO and defense contractors.

By choosing Tonex for your Link 16 training courses, you'll expect that each one the knowledge learned in school is accurate, relevant and up so far . Tonex Link 16 courses are designed by Link 16 experts within the field.

Link 16 Operational Overview Training covers:
  • Link 16 concepts
  • Link 16 network architecture
  • Link 16 planning
  • Link 16 security
  • Link 16 Cybersecurity
  • Link 16 operation
  • Link 16 management.

Tonex will constantly update its reading materials, teaching techniques and curriculum settings to reflect the latest trends in technology. Tonex no longer follows the trend, but leads the industry and becomes the leader of the industry.

Tonex Link 16 training courses follow a specific format, including an overview, course text and conclusions, which include Tonex and industry certifications.

Learning Objectives:

  • Converse Tactical Digital Information Link (TADIL)
  • Know the key concepts behind Link 16 / JTIDS / MIDS
  • List LINK 16/ JTIDS / MIDS Principals and Features
  • Discover Link 16 / JTIDS / MIDS and JTRS architectures
  • Talk about Link 16 system characteristics
  • Explore network architecture, services, elements, protocols to support services
  • Spot the role of key network nodes, interfaces, protocols, control and related protocols
  • Explain Network Participation Groups (NGP) and J-Series Messages
  • Talk about various Link 16 terminals and message packing and pulses
  • Comprehend similarities and differences between Link 16 Networks and Nets
  • Depict Link 16 Network Access Modes, Network Time, Network Time Reference (NTR) and Terminal Synchronization
  • Appreciate Link 16 Network Roles, Relays and Pulse Deconfliction
  • Work out Link 16 capacity and Time Slot Duty Factor (TSDF)
  • Talk about Communications Security and Link 16 Cyber Security
  • Depict Link 16 MSEC/TSEC methods
  • Confer JTIDS / MIDS Network Planning and Design
  • Know the role of Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol (JREAP)
  • Argue Link 16 Network Enable Weapons
  • Talk about Link 16 troubleshooting techniques and procedures

Course Outline:
  • Tactical Digital Information Link (TADIL) Overview
  • TADIL J (Link-16)/JTIDS/MIDS Overview
  • Link 16 System Architecture, Protocols and Components Overview
  • Reason of Tactical Digital Information and Link 16 Systems
  • LINK-16 Capabilities
  • Link 16 End Users Terminals
  • Principles and Features of Link 16 Systems and Terminals
  • Overview of NPGs
  • Illustration of LINK 16 Messages (J Series)
  • LINK 16 Network Management Operational Scenarios
  • Link 16 Network Enabled Weapon
  • Satellite TADILS
  • Structured Link 16 Troubleshooting Approaches
  • Link 16 Troubleshooting Procedures
  • TONEX Link 16 Verification and Validation (V&V) Plans and Procedures
  • Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol (JREAP)

  • Operators
  • Engineers
  • Designers
  • Architect
  • Software and Hardware Developers
  • Project Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Sales and Support
  • Anyone else who is interested to understand concepts behind Link 16 / JTIDS / MIDS

For More Information:

Link 16 Operational Overview


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