SysML And MBSE Training, You Should Know How MBSE and SysML Language are Related

SysML And MBSE Training, You Should Know How MBSE and SysML Language are Related
SysML And MBSE Training, You Should Know How MBSE and SysML Language are Related

System Modeling Language (SysML): SysML is a general-purpose architectural modeling language for system engineering applications. 

Model-based system engineering (MBSE): Model-based system engineering (MBSE) is the formal application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities. These activities start from the conceptual design stage and continue throughout the entire Development and later life cycle stages

SysML provides a semantic foundation for graphical representation, which can be used to model system requirements, behavior, structure, and parametric equations, which can be integrated with various engineering analyses.

The model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach allows organizations to design prior to construction-allowing stakeholders to visualize, simulate and fine-tune product specifications with greater accuracy earlier in the product life cycle-ideally before project resources have been submitted And developed a project schedule.

The term model-based system engineering and its acronym MBSE are very popular among system engineers. They advocate the use of SysML as the standard architecture modeling language for system engineering applications, and hope to integrate its method with model-driven development and its changes. Body to distinguish. Tend to be software-centric.

SysML (System Modeling Language) is based on UML and replaces the modeling of classes and objects through block modeling, making the vocabulary more suitable for systems engineering. A block contains all software, hardware, data, process and even personnel management concepts.

Systems Modeling Language (SysML) basically helps to represent system-related information in a generally accepted dynamic diagram. In essence, SysML extends the powerful system engineering capabilities of UML, which can model a wider range of systems and capture all aspects of system design.

The advantage of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and SysML is that the ability to make models/diagrams for the system rather than using documents. When the systems engineer defines or creates something during a diagram, the SysML tool maintains consistency altogether the opposite diagrams during a process called traceability.

Benefits of SysML include:
  • Improved communications
  • Assists in managing complex system development
  • Separation of concerns
  • Hierarchical modeling
  • Other life cycle support (such as training)
  • Improved design quality
  • Reduced errors and ambiguity
  • More complete representation
  • Support incremental development and evolutionary acquisition.

Compared with traditional document-based methods, the benefits of using the model-based system engineer (MBSE) approach are considerable, including:
  • Reduced development risk
  • Improved quality
  • Enhanced knowledge transfer
  • Enhanced communications

MBSE can manage the development and deployment of complex systems without temporarily collecting independent documents.

MBSE with SysML includes a general graphical modeling technique for specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying complex systems, which may include hardware, software, information, personnel, processes, and facilities.

Tonex's SysML and MBSE Training

Tonex Combo MBSE and SysML training courses cover OMG Certified System Modeling Specialist (OCSMP) certification. 

SysML and MBSE training is a practical training course, which includes model creation exercises, case studies and workshops. Participants can use various tools to implement SysML concepts.

Learning Target:
  • Learn how to create models in SysML, including diagrams and constructions
  • Develop an executable SysML activity model
  • Analyze and construct SysML models through calculations, and perform parametric simulations
  • Learn how to automatically generate and model a traceability matrix
  • Conduct trade research Automatically generate documentation from system models and model repositories
  • Learn how to use MBSE/SysML with DoD DoDAF, NATO NAF, UK MoDAF and UAF frameworks
  • Understand what is a model and the trend of SE to MBSE transition
  • Describe the benefits and use cases of MBSE
  • Describe how MBSE and SysML are related
  • Explain SysML terms and symbols
  • Deploy MBE, MBSE and SysML in complex system or SoS functions, development, engineering projects or tasks
  • Apply MBSE to complex systems and system of systems (SoS)
  • Compare and contrast traditional systems engineering methods and MBSE
  • Describe Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) and relationships among UPDM, SysML, SOAML®, UML and UAF
  • Learn about Model-Based System of Systems Engineering with UPDM and UAF
  • Analyze lessons learned from across technology, medical, automotive, aerospace, deep space and defense
  • Learn about latest modeling collaborations between INCOSE, OMG, NAFEMS, ASME and others
  • Learn about modeling content Ontology, Tool Integration and Model Life Cycle Management, Patterns, system thinking with models, and System Science

Study Method:

The course is composed of teaching elements that are intertwined to maximize the use of individual, group and class time. These elements include lectures, classroom activities, group assignments, and problem scenarios for role-playing and finding solutions.

Courses Material, Tools and Guides:
  • Course Student Guide
  • Exercises and Workshops Guide
  • Training Resources: Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools
  • Cheat Sheets
  • Organizational examples of common problems
  • Organizational examples of solutions

Training Outline:
  • Model Concepts
  • MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering)
  • Creating Systems Modeling Language (SysML) Models
  • Overview of INCOSE’s Modeling and Simulation Interoperability Efforts
  • Group Exercises and Workshops

For More Information:

SysML and MBSE Training


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